Here are some of the items for the next release:

  • Update the functions to read GMACS output files (related to the GMACS version 2.01.M.09)
  • Check all plotting functions
  • Create vignettes to build and run gmacs, make comparison
  • Create SAFE document templates
  • Add data and implement examples in the package

(GitHub issue/PR numbers in parentheses)

This new version includes implementations linked to GMACS version 2.01.M.09, which involved changes to the read/write functions of GMACS input files. Changes have also been made to the GMACS compilation functions to create a temporary folder when compiling GMACS, making it easier to resolve errors in the code (#26).

New functions

  1. Functions to copy all GMACS input files
  • Copy_GMACS_Input_files(): copy one or multiple GMACS input file(s).

Updated functions

  1. Functions to read GMACS input/output files
  • read_GMACS_dat(): incorporating 1) stock specification (weight unit and stock name),
  1. other controls settings (maximum phase, number of function calls, calculation of reference points, use of pin file, and verbose).
  • readGMACSctl(): 1) incorporating the maturity specific length-weight relationship,
  1. the functional maturity terminally molting, 3) removing the other controls settings (maximum phase, number of function calls, calculation of reference points, use of pin file, and verbose).
  • readGMACSdat(): incorporating the option for the new format of input catch, relative abundance indices and size composition.
  • readGMACSprj(): incorporating 1) new options for the projection specifications controls (number of state strategies and F range), and 2) new options for the Harvest Control rules settings (Apply strategies [OFL, ABC], Apply the state strategy, Number of state parameters).
  • writeGmacs_dat(): account for stock specification and other controls settings.
  • writeGmacsctlfile(): account for the maturity specific length-weight relationship,
  1. the functional maturity terminally molting, and 3) removing the other controls settings.
  • writeGmacsdatfile(): account for the new format of input catch, relative abundance indices and size composition.
  • writeGmacsprjfile(): account for the new options for 1) the projection specifications controls, and 2) the Harvest Control rules settings.
  1. Functions to update and release a new version of GMACS

The updates improve the workflow for updating GMACS.

  • GetGmacsExe(): A temporary folder is now created when compiling GMACS. If errors when converting gmacs.tpl to gmacs.cpp or compiling gmacs, either a “Error_convertion.txt” or a “Error_compilation.txt” file is created and indicates the source of the errors.
  • clean_root: delete (if applicable) the “Error_convertion.txt” and/or “Error_compilation.txt” files when updating GMACS.

(GitHub issue/PR numbers in parentheses)

This new release includes implementations related to the incorporation of i) environmental impacts and possibility of random walk in the vulnerability parameters (selectivity and retention parameters) (#24).

Updated functions

  1. Functions to read GMACS input/output files
  • readGMACSdat(): incorporating the read of environmental indices.
  • readGMACSctl(): 1) change in the selectivity and retention matrices to allow environmental impacts and random walk; 2) Now read phase for random walk deviations;
  1. new internal function to count the number of random deviation parameters to be estimated.
  1. Functions to update and release a new version of GMACS

The updates improve the workflow for updating GMACS.

(GitHub issue/PR numbers in parentheses)

This new release includes implementations related to the CPT modelling workshop hold in January 2023. Major implementations includes updates of i) plotting functions, ii) functions allowing to read and write GMACS input/output files, and iii) functions used when implementing and releasing a new version of GMACS (#20).

New functions

  1. Functions to plot GMACS outputs
  • BaseThemeGMR(): Specify the basic theme of gmr when plotting outputs
  1. Functions to read GMACS output files
  1. Function to update GMACS *NewGMACSFeat(): creates a summary file detailing the latest implementations in the gmacsbase.TPL file, when they’ve been done and by whom.

(GitHub issue/PR numbers in parentheses)

This new release comes with the PR (#19) and updates the function to read the control file and the one to realize simulations.

Updated functions

(GitHub issue/PR numbers in parentheses)

This new release allows to run the simulation under Linux.

Updated functions

(GitHub issue/PR numbers in parentheses)

This new release incorporates a new function to plot the basic outputs from GMACS and give the possibility to specify a given file to set the directories needed to call ADMB within R.

New functions

Updated functions

(GitHub issue/PR numbers in parentheses)

This is a minor version update of gmr that includes new functions to i) work with the simulation module of GMACS, ii) read input and some output files of GMACS and, iii) write the GMACS input files.

New functions

  1. Functions to read GMACS input files
  • readGMACSfiles(): Function to read all the GMACS input files
  • readGMACS.dat(): Function to read the gmacs.dat file
  • readGMACSdat(): Function to read the the data file
  • readGMACSctl(): Function to read the control file
  • readGMACSprj: Function to read the projection file All these functions return the input files as a named list.
  1. Functions to write the GMACS input/output files writeGmacs.dat(): function to write the gmacs.dat file writeGmacsdatfile(): function to write data file writeGmacsctlfile(): function to write the control file writeGmacsprjfile(): function to write the projection file *writeGmacsPAR(): function to write the gmacs.par file
  1. Generate simulation using GMACS prepSim(): function to get the original input files for the simulation approach GenSimFiles(): function to get generate the input files to get the simulated data for each simulation SimData(): Function to generate the data SaveSimFiles(): Function to save the outputs of each simulation-estimation run Gen_GmacsSim(): Function to generates the simulated data for a set of simulation RunGmacsSim(): Function to run the GMACS simulation-estimation *clean_bat_Sim(): Function to clean gmacs simulation-estimation approach

Updated functions

(GitHub issue/PR numbers in parentheses)

This is a minor version update that includes modification of some functions to make gmr compatible with MacOs/Linux and avoid the use of paste() and paste0() for defining file paths to file.path. Some additions have also been made in function documentation (#13).

Versioning has been updated correctly. (change from 0.1.1 to 1.2.0).

New functions

  • createGmacsExe(): Function to get the GMACS executable from TPL file.
  • clean_files(): Function to clean files in a specific folder.
  • clean_root(): Function to clean gmacs compilation-process files in the “root folder”.
  • clean_bat(): Function to clean gmacs output files in a folder.
  • isWindowsOS: Identify if the OS type is windows

Updated functions

(GitHub issue/PR numbers in parentheses)

This new version allows to directly run GMACS within R instead of going through the various windows prompt (#1).

New functions

  • GMACS(), which allows you to compile, run and make comparison of different versions of GMACS for one or several stocks. This is the main function to work with the GMACS model with the gmr package.
  • Do_GMACS(), which is called by the GMACS() function. It allows to build the GMACS executable, run the model and make comparison between multiple versions of GMACS if the user ask for.
  • Do_Comp(), which establishes comparison tables of management quantities between different versions of GMACS.
  • .GetGmacsExe(), which allows to update and “release” a new version of GMACS.
  • .CallTerm(), which allows to call a R terminal to execute a specific command.
  • read.OUT(), which is designed to read the gmacsall.OUT (output of GMACS) to find estimates of specific management/biological quantities.

Other functions (called within the ones described above) have also been added to the gmr package but are internal functions.

This is the status of the gmr package in March 2020. It will serve as the basis for the futrure developments of the gmr package.