Prepares the simulations:

  1. Creates a specific folder (Simulations) in the designated repertory of the stock of interest

  2. Creates two sub folders (True and Runs) in the Simulations folder to store the outputs of the simulations

  3. Reads the original input files that will be modified to simulate the data

prepSim(Dir = NULL, Spc = NULL, verbose = NULL)



(character string)- path to the repertory that holds the "build" folder.


(character string)- the name of the stock of interest for the simulations


(logical)- flag to print processing information


A named list with the following arguments:

  • Dirlist: named list of the working directory used and/or created,

  • GmacsFile: the gmacs.dat file as a named list,

  • DatFile: the Spc.dat file as a named list,

  • CtlFile: the Spc.ctl file as a named list,

  • PrjFile: the Spc.pj file as a named list,

  • ParFile: the gmacs.par file as a named list,

  • OrigSimData: the simdata.out file (the original one) as a named list.