Plots the basic outputs of GMACS.

  Stock = NULL,
  Dir = NULL,
  model_name = NULL,
  out = TRUE,
  Dir.out = NULL,
  save.out = NULL,
  out.format = NULL



(character string)- Specifies the name(s) of the stock considered. if Stock='all', then the function will plot the basic outputs for all stocks that are "available" in the "build" directory.


(character string)- vector of folder names of length model_name for all GMACS_version/model for which you want to plot the outputs. Each Dir correspond to the root folder where the "build" folder is stored.


(character string)- vector of strings specifying the name(s) of the GMACS version(s)/model(s) that is/are considered for plotting.


(logical)- if TRUE; the plots will be saved in the Dir.out directory.


(character string)- Path directory where to save the plots. If Stock='all', Dir.out is a vector of length equal to the number of stocks "available" in the "build" directory. (Warning: The function create a "plot" folder where outputs are saved).


(logical)- if TRUE, then the plots are saved using the format indicated in the out.format argument. If FALSE, then plots will be available in the plot windows of R.


(character string)- Device to use to save the plot ("pdf", "png", "jpeg")