Get observed and predicted size composition values
which_plots = "all",
xlab = "Mid-point of size-class (mm)",
ylab = "Proportion",
slab = "Sex",
mlab = "Model",
tlab = "Fleet",
res = FALSE,
legend_loc = c(1, 1),
ylim_max = 0.3
List object(s) created by read_admb function
the size composition fits that you want to plot
the x-axis label for the plot
the y-axis label for the plot
the sex label for the plot that appears above the key
the model label for the plot that appears above the key
the fleet label for the plot that appears above the key
boolean if residual or observed and predicted
(numeric vector); c(x,y) where x and y are the coordinates of the legend box
(numeric), defines the ylim.
Plots of observed and predicted size composition values